During May 2014, the ACS DivChEd Committee on Computers in Chemical Education (CCCE) is hosting an online conference (a “ConfChem”) on flipping chemistry: the moving a part of traditional lecture content to student study time, to allow more time in class for demonstrations, discussions, and problem solving.
In the ConfChem format, authors submit papers and for a one week period, readers submit questions online which the authors answer (other readers may contribute as well). The Q&A period moves to new papers each week, but each paper and its week-long discussion remain online for future reference.
The Hartman/Dahm/Nelson group was invited to discuss the results of our experiments in shifting lecture content to homework in first-year chemistry — without videotaping lectures. Our paper with comments and discussion is posted at
http://confchem.ccce.divched.org/2014SpringConfChemP2 .
The period for CCCE comment is closed, but if you wish to submit further questions or comments on the paper or its discussion, please submit a Comment for this blog post.
All of the conference abstracts and papers are posted at http://confchem.ccce.divched.org/2014SpringConfChem. Readers interested in exploring flipped instruction will find quite a few innovative ideas in the papers and their discussion.
We wish to thank Jennifer Muzyka, Chris Luker, Bob Belford and all of the CCCE volunteers for their many weeks of work to promote discussion of these issues.
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